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Before you get working with resources, it’s a good idea to get to grips with the most important concepts. You can find an overview below.

Resource Type§

Resources are assigned to events. In Yesplan, we speak of booking resources on events. The types of resources are very diverse. In Yesplan, we distinguish between the following types:

  • Material
  • Human resources, resources of type “Human”
  • Services, such as a parking space or catering
  • Financial, such as a deposit or insurance
  • Location

You choose the type when creating the resource.


Users are always linked with a human resource, which in turn may be linked with a contact of type “Person”. See Contacts, Human Resources and Users for more information.

Resource Groups§

You can organize resources into resource groups. These are categories, like ‘Stage Technology’ or ‘Catering’, which you can use for grouping related resources. A microphone, loudspeaker, lamp and lighting board are resources that belong in the ‘Stage Technology’ resource group.

Resource Sets§

You can also organize resources into a set. Resource sets are collections of different resources that you can book simultaneously. For example, you can create a ‘Sound Set’ to easily book microphones, loudspeakers and cables simultaneously.

Roles and Placeholders§

A resource can have multiple roles and can be booked on an event in one of these roles. For example, Violet can have multiple roles within the organization, such as sound technician or stagehand, and you can book her on an event in either of these roles.

You can also book the role itself, such as a stagehand, on an event. This is called a placeholder in Yesplan. A placeholder is an anonymous booking that you will swap with a person who can execute this role later in the planning process. Like Violet or Ruth, for example, who have the role of stagehand.

Prices and Price Definitions§

When booking resources, you can map costs and proceeds because you can assign prices to every resource. We call the entirety of prices (the cost (or rental price) and the selling price (or letting price) and similar) a price definition. A resource can have one or multiple price definitions. When booking, you can choose the correct price definition in function of the type of event, agreements, additional conditions etc.

Custom Data§

In addition to the default data that you can enter for resources, it’s possible to define extra fields in Yesplan yourself. We call this custom data. Custom data fields are created by an administrator and they appear on the tab of your choosing in the resource inspector. Extra tabs are also created by a Yesplan administrator.

Sometimes you only want to show a custom data field under certain conditions. The possible conditions for resources are resource type and resource role. You can use different custom data fields for a human resource and for material.

In addition to these extra fields that you can add to a resource, there is also a special type of custom data: the resource field. This is a custom data field that you can use for booking a resource, and that’s available for events.

You’ll find more details regarding the options of custom data and how to manage them in the System Settings Manual.


  • You can retrieve the keyword for custom data fields easily in an inspector by holding down Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Ctrl+Option (macOS). The field’s label will change to the keyword.
  • If you want to copy the keyword, then click the label while holding down these keys.