
You can manage the users and user groups in Yesplan in “System Settings” > “Users” > “Users”. You’ll see a list of Yesplan users, in alphabetical order.


Are you looking for a summary of current users that can be printed? Then create a list with a dataview:

  • Create a new dataview for resources.
  • Add a column for the “Linked User” field.
  • Create a filter for the “Linked User” field, using the comparison “has a value”.

The result will be a summary of all users that can be exported to Excel. See the Dataviews page for more information.


Every Yesplan installation includes a Yesplan Support user. This user has administrator privileges and can’t be deleted.

The Yesplan Support user is only used to provide support or help with problems. Access to your installation with this user is subject to strict conditions.

The Yesplan Support user does not appear in the table of users but does appear in the permissions settings. The Yesplan Support user’s actions appear – as for all other users – in the history, log file and audit overview.