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In the “Users” screen, an administrator can edit a user’s identification details in the table, determine which user groups a user belongs to, and which permissions and privileges are applicable to users.

Above the table various actions are displayed:

  • Show Users: Using this dropdown, you can filter according to user status in the column “Last Sign-In”. If the table comprises more than 75 users, then buttons also appear in order to navigate through the alphabetical list of users.
  • Add User…: Click this button to add a new user. See Adding Users for more information.
  • Send Invitations…: Click this button to invite all users with the status “Not invited yet”.

You can change the user characteristics in the table itself. See Managing Users for more information.

Adding Users§

Add users by clicking “Add User…” at the top of the list of users. In the screen that appears, you can follow several steps to create the user.

Adding a User§

In step one, you add the user to Yesplan. To do so, you must enter the following details:

  • Name: The name of the user. We recommend completing both the first name and surname, since the name is also used when creating the linked human resource and the linked contact.
  • Email: Enter an email address that is unique in the list of users. If you enter an email address that is not unique in the list of users, then you must create a unique username, which then becomes the primary login name. We recommend that you enter a unique email address for each user.
  • Linked Resource/Contact: When you add a user, Yesplan will automatically link them to a new human resource and a new contact. However, if the value in the “Name” field is already in use for a human resource, then you can link the new user to an existing human resource.


  • We recommend creating users with a unique email address and without a username. After all, users never forget their email address, but often forget their username.
  • Users are always linked with a human resource, which in turn may be linked with a contact of type “Person”. If you create a new user, then you automatically also create a new resource and a new contact. See Contacts, human resources and users for more information.
  • When completing the fields, Yesplan checks whether the values are already in use for active or suspended users.

Setting Permissions§

In the second step, you can set the user’s permissions. A user’s permissions are determined in Yesplan based on the user groups to which the user belongs and the permission templates that are applicable to the user. See Assigning User Groups and Templates for more information.

Set the permissions by completing the following fields:

  • User Groups: Assign a user to one or more user groups.
  • Primary User Group: This is the user group to which the user primarily belongs. Within Yesplan this concept is important for determining permissions and for filtering elements that belong to the user’s primary group.
  • Permission Templates: Here, you can determine which permission templates are applicable for the user. If you choose multiple templates, then the permissions of all chosen templates are applicable.
  • Administrator: When selecting this field, the user in question will be able to log in as administrator and access the system settings.


  • Click the ‘–’-symbol to remove a group or template you have added.
  • Click the “Skip” button if you want to set the permissions later. In doing so, you also immediately skip the step to invite the user.

Inviting the User§

In the final step, you invite the user to join Yesplan:

  • The user will receive an email at the address you entered under Adding a User.
  • This email will contain a link allowing the user to create a password.


Click the “Skip” button to invite the user later.

Managing Users§

User Details§

The first six columns of the users list show details that identify the user in Yesplan. You can edit the details by double-clicking the values:

  • Name: The full name of the user as it will appear in Yesplan.

  • Email: The user’s email address. Yesplan will use this address for sending notifications and users can also sign in using the email address. To avoid duplication of email addresses, Yesplan displays an exclamation mark next to an address if it isn’t unique.

  • Username (optional): The user’s username, which can be used to sign in to Yesplan. The name must be unique in Yesplan. We recommend using the email address to log in to Yesplan, and to leave this field blank.

  • Password: The user’s password, which is needed to sign in to Yesplan. If they forget their password, users can set a new password via a link on the Yesplan login page.

  • Password Strength: Indication of the strength of the user’s password, based on the complexity of the password and the estimated time it would take to crack the password. Yesplan only accepts the password if it is strong enough. If you enter a weak password anyway, you’re given tips on how to make it stronger.

  • Last Sign-In: This column shows whether the user has already been invited. You can also see the date and time when they last logged in. The different statuses are:

    • Not invited yet: The user has been added to Yesplan, but hasn’t yet received an invitation to create a password and sign in. Click “Invite” to invite the user.
    • Invited, but hasn’t signed in yet: The user has been invited, but hasn’t yet created a password and hasn’t yet signed in. Click “Invite Again” to send a new email with an invitation.
    • Never signed in: The user has never signed in.


Yesplan determines the Password Strength via the zxcvbn tool:

Yesplan turns the username or email address of each user into the so-called primary sign-in name, which users can always sign in with:

  • If a user has a username and an email address, then the username is the primary sign-in name.
  • If a user only has an email address, then the email address is the primary sign-in name.
  • The primary sign-in name is unique:
    • If the email address is the primary sign-in name for a user, only that user can sign in with the email address, even if it exists for other users.
    • It isn’t possible to restore a suspended user if they have the same primary sign-in name as an active user.

Users can sign in using their username or email address, in combination with their password:

  • Your username is by definition unique. So you can always use it to sign in or reset your password.
  • Your email address isn’t necessarily unique. You can only use it to sign in or reset your password if it’s unique within the list of users or if it’s your primary sign-in name.
  • The use of capital letters is ignored when using your email address to request a new password or to sign in:
    • The email address ‘’ will therefore be interpreted as ‘’, provided that the lowercase email address is unique in the list of users.
    • The email address with capital letters ‘’ will, however, be stored in Yesplan with capital letters. The capital letters are only ignored when requesting a new password or when signing in.


To simplify user management, we recommend assigning only an email address and no username to users:

  • The email address will then automatically be the primary sign-in name.
  • Users easily remember their email address, while usernames can have many variations.
  • You’ll need an email address to reset your password in any case.
  • The email address is then the only way to sign in or to set a new password.

Assigning User Groups and Templates§

A user’s permissions are determined in Yesplan based on the user groups to which the user belongs and the permission templates that are applicable to the user. You’ll find all details in the Permissions Manual.

In the list of users you can determine which user groups and templates are applicable to a user:

  • User Groups: In this column, you can assign a user to one or more user groups. Creating and editing user groups is described below.

  • Primary User Group: This is the user group to which the user primarily belongs. Within Yesplan this concept is important for determining permissions and for filtering elements that belong to the user’s primary group.

    For example, you can determine which permissions a user can grant to other users who belong to the same primary group (for more information, see the Permissions Manual). When filtering elements in Yesplan (when the “My User Group Only” filter is active—this is set under System Preferences), objects will only be displayed if the current user belongs to the primary group of the owner of the object.

    Since a user group can belong to another user group in Yesplan, in the drop-down menu of the primary group the administrator will see all the user groups that the user belongs to and all overlying groups to which the user’s user groups belong.

  • Permission Templates: Here, the administrator can determine which permission templates are applicable for the user. If you choose multiple templates, then the permissions of all chosen templates are applicable.

In the last column, the administrator can request a summary of a user’s permissions by clicking “Show Permission Settings”.

Setting Administrators§

The user needs administrator privileges to edit settings, create users etc. Yesplan supports two kinds of administrators:

  • Administrator: These users have access to the system settings and have permission to view the elements of other users. By selecting the checkbox in the “Administrator” column, you turn a user into an administrator.

  • User Group Administrator: These users have limited administrator permissions. They can manage the users of one or more user groups and they have access to the configuration of the locations that belong to these user groups. In the column “User Group Administrator”, you can add the user groups that a user must be able to manage.


Once a user is a general administrator they can manage all user groups. These users can’t be made administrators for separate user groups.

Deleting Users§

You can delete a user completely from Yesplan in two steps:

  1. Suspend
  2. Transfer ownership and delete

Suspending a User§

You suspend a user by clicking “Suspend User” in the last column of the list of users. Suspended users don’t immediately disappear from the system permanently but are placed in a list of suspended users. This has several consequences:

  • The user in question can no longer sign in.
  • The user, the linked resource and the linked contact appear in Yesplan with a user icon and a prohibition sign to indicate that the (linked) user has been suspended.
Icon Meaning
Contact/Resource linked with an active user.
Contact/Resource linked with a suspended user.

Other aspects of the user do not change:

  • You can still book and edit the linked resource and linked contact.
  • All bookings of the linked resource and linked contact are retained.
  • The ownership of items (events, contacts, resources etc.) and their associated permissions remains the same.
  • The user’s links to the contact and the resource are retained.

Transferring Ownership and Deleting§

You reach the list of suspended users via “System Settings” > “Users” > “Suspended Users”. You will find a table there, with three actions in the final column:

  • Show Permission Settings: You can view the permissions of the suspended user here.

  • Restore User: When you click this, the suspension of the user is reverted and they can sign in to Yesplan again.

  • Transfer Ownership and Delete Permanently: Each element in Yesplan has an owner. You can only delete a suspended user permanently if this user’s elements (events, contacts, resources etc.) are transferred to an active user. When you click this link, you’ll see a list of users to whom the elements can be assigned. Once you choose a user from this list and click “Apply”, the suspended user will be deleted permanently.


  • The linked resource and linked contact of a deleted user are retained, as are their bookings. Yesplan does remove the link between deleted users and linked resources/contacts.
  • You can’t link the resource and contact of a deleted user to an existing user. You can only link them again by creating a new user.