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Entering Times

With Yesplan you can add times easily. You can find a summary of the options on this page.

Entering Times§

In the system settings you can determine which time format is used by your Yesplan installation: 24-hour time or 12-hour time.

24-hour Time§

In Yesplan, times in the 24-hour time are displayed in the format hh:mm:

  • ‘08:30’ for half past eight in the morning.
  • ‘22:00’ for ten o’clock in the evening.
  • ‘00:00’ for midnight.
  • ‘12:00’ for noon.

A field appears with the text hh:mm when the time is to be entered in the 24-hour format:

Yesplan uses the following rules when you enter the time:

  • If you only enter a digit, then this is interpreted by Yesplan as the time: 9 is the same as 09:00.
  • You can also enter the time with a leading zero: 09 is the same as 09:00.
  • You can enter 24:00 as the time for midnight and Yesplan will convert this to 00:00.
  • If you also enter the minutes, then you can leave out the colon: 900 is the same as 09:00, and 0120 or 120 are the same as 01:20.


  • Yesplan doesn’t allow you to enter an hour digit higher than 24. 25:00 will cause an error and won’t be converted to 01:00.
  • Yesplan will only convert 24:00 to 00:00. For example, if you enter 24:15 you will see a warning for an error in the field.

12-hour Time§

In Yesplan, times in the 12-hour time are displayed in the format h:mm a:

  • ‘8:30 AM’ for half past eight in the morning.
  • ‘10:00 PM’ for ten o’clock in the evening.
  • ‘12:00 AM’ for midnight.
  • ‘12:00 PM’ for noon.

A field appears with the text h:mm a when the time is to be entered in the 12-hour format:

In Yesplan, the following rules apply when entering the time:

  • Indicating the time with “AM” or “PM”:
    • The space between the time and time reference is optional: 8:30AM is the same as 8:30 AM.
    • You can enter the time reference in lower case: am or pm.
    • You can enter just the first letter: a and A for “AM”, p or P for “PM”.
    • If you don’t enter a time reference, then “AM” is the default: 8:30 is the same as 8:30 AM.
  • Entering the time:
    • If you only enter a digit, then this is interpreted by Yesplan as the hour: 9 AM is the same as 9:00.
    • If you also enter the minutes, then you can leave out the colon: 900 AM is the same as 9:00 AM, and 120 PM is the same as 1:20 PM.


  • You can’t enter an hour value higher than twelve. This means that a time in 24-hour format won’t be converted to 12-hour format. For example, if you enter 13, then Yesplan will warn you of an error and the time won’t be converted to ‘1:00 PM’.
  • You can’t enter a time that begins with a zero: if you enter 09:00 AM, 09 and 09:00, Yesplan will warn you of an error.
  • You can’t enter 0:00 for midnight. Instead, use 12:00 AM.

Entering Relative Times§

A relative time in a schedule is defined in relation to another point in time. This allows you to define that the doors of the venue will open 30 minutes before the start of the performance. In Yesplan, relative times are displayed in the format +h:mm or +m':

  • ‘+1:30’ or ‘+90′’ for ‘one and a half hours later’: for example, the performance ends one and a half hours after the start.
  • ‘–0:30’ or ‘–30′’ for ‘half an hour earlier’: for example, the doors open half an hour earlier than the start of the performance.

When a field must be completed with a relative time, this is shown by the text +h:mm:

In Yesplan, the following rules apply when entering a relative time:

  • Notation with the hour and minutes (+h:mm):
    • If you don’t enter a plus or minus sign, then Yesplan will automatically add a plus sign: 1:30 is the same as +1:30.
    • If you enter a number with one or two digits, then Yesplan interprets these as the hour: 1 becomes 1:00 and 14 becomes 14:00.
    • If you also enter minutes, then you can leave out the colon: -130 is the same as -1:30, +1410 is the same as +14:10, and +030 is the same as +0:30.
    • You may enter a leading zero, but this will be deleted by Yesplan: +01:30 becomes +1:30.
  • Notation with minutes only (+m'):
    • If you don’t enter a plus or minus sign, then Yesplan will automatically add a plus sign: 90' is the same as +90′.
    • You may enter a leading zero, but this will be deleted by Yesplan: +05' becomes +5′.

Entering Duration§

In certain parts of Yesplan you can also enter the duration, for example, the time to prepare and process a resource. This also applies in the contracts in the Teamplanner. In Yesplan, the duration appears in the format h:mm or m':

  • ‘0:30’ or ‘30′’ for a duration of half an hour.
  • ‘10:00’ or ‘600′’ for a duration of ten hours.

When a field must be completed with a duration this is shown by the text h:mm:

In Yesplan, the following rules apply when entering the duration:

  • Notation with the hour and the minutes (h:mm):
    • If you enter a number with one or two digits, Yesplan interprets these as hours: 1 becomes 1:00 and 14 becomes 14:00.
    • You may enter a leading zero, but this will be deleted by Yesplan: 01:00 becomes 1:00.
    • If you also enter minutes, then you can leave out the colon: 130 is equivalent to 1:30, 1410 is equivalent to 14:10 and 030 is the same as 0:30.
  • Notation with minutes only (m'):
    • You may enter a leading zero, but this will be deleted by Yesplan: 05' becomes 5′.


In “System Settings” > “Teamplanner” > “Contracts” three fields behave differently:

  • The fields “Average Hours per Month”, “Average Hours per Year” and “Holidays (in Hours)” won’t convert a number with three or four digits to a duration with hours and minutes. Therefore, in these fields 100 becomes 100:00 and 7400 becomes 7400:00.
  • These fields often contain a long duration and the automatic conversion to hours and minutes is unnecessary.