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Deprecated and Removed Functionality

Below is a list of functionality that will be deleted from Yesplan in the future. You can still enable or disable this functionality for the time being, but bear in mind that it will definitely be phased out.

You will also find a brief overview of functionality that has already been deleted from Yesplan.

Deprecated Functionality§

Encoding URLs of Attachment Fields§

In the API, the URLs of links in attachment fields are encoded.

The URLs of links in custom data fields of the type “Attachment field” are no longer encoded in the API. As a result, the URL you receive in the API is identical to the URL that was entered in Yesplan itself.

Previous Method§

Before Yesplan 29, special characters in the URL of a link in an attachment field were always converted if it was requested via the API.

The URL ‘ spatie+plus%2D’ was, for example, converted to ‘‘:

  • The space was converted to ‘%20’.
  • ’+’ was converted to ‘%2B’.
  • ‘%2D’ was converted to ‘-‘.

This resulted in some problems in integrations, because the URL they received wasn’t the URL the user had entered in Yesplan. Technically speaking, the URL was parsed by Yesplan and subsequently printed in the API. As a result, other aspects of the URL could change, such as the order of the query parameters.

Do you want these encoded URLs to be used in the API?

  • Then select “Yes” in the drop-down menu for this functionality in “System Settings” > “Deprecated Functionality”, in the column “Use Deprecated Functionality”.
  • The previous method will soon be removed. We therefore recommend switching to the new method quickly.

New Method§

From Yesplan 29 onward, the URL of a link in an attachment field can be returned via the API precisely as it was entered in Yesplan.

The URL ‘ spatie+plus%2D’ is returned exactly like this in the API.

Would you like to use the original URL in the API?

  • Then select “No” in the drop-down menu for this functionality in “System Settings” > “Deprecated Functionality”, in the column “Use Deprecated Functionality”.
  • If there are problems with integrations, you can set the button back to “Yes” if necessary.

Value of Remote Data in the API§

Values of Remote Data fields of data type ‘Number’ is wrapped in string in REST API.

For custom data fields of type “Remote Data”, the values are returned by the API as a JSON string. In this way, you can easily switch to the new data types for these custom data fields. You can disable this functionality once you’ve checked your integrations.


See the guide Types of Remote Data for more information on the new data types and the consequences for integrations.

Previous Method§

Before Yesplan 28, the values of remote data were always “Single-Line Text”. Do you want the API to continue returning values for these fields as “Single-Line Text” (JSON string)?

  • Then select “Yes” in the drop-down menu for this functionality in “System Settings” > “Deprecated Functionality”, in the column “Use Deprecated Functionality”.
  • The previous method will soon be removed. We therefore recommend switching to the new method quickly.

New Method§

From Yesplan 28 onward, the API can always return the value of custom data fields for “Remote Data” in the correct data type (“Number”, “Date” etc.). Have you checked your integrations and is everything working as expected?

  • Then select “No” in the drop-down menu for this functionality in “System Settings” > “Deprecated Functionality”, in the column “Use Deprecated Functionality”.
  • If there are problems with integrations, you can set the button back to “Yes” if necessary.


This setting may affect existing integrations. See the guide Types of Remote Data for more information.

Visibility of Custom Data Fields in the API§

When checking permissions for custom data fields, the API ignores the “Allowed to view” capability for inspector tabs.

From now on, the API takes into account the capability “Allowed to view” in the permission templates of the user who requests data. As a consequence, users can only access those custom data fields in the API that they can actually view in Yesplan.

Previous Method§

The API didn’t take into account the capability “Allowed to view” for inspector tabs, that are set in permission templates. Because of that, it was possible for users to receive the value of a custom data field via the API, even though they didn’t have the capability to view the tab of that field in Yesplan.

Do you want the API to ignore the capability “Allowed to view”?

  • Then select “Yes” in the drop-down menu for this functionality in “System Settings” > “Deprecated Functionality”, in the column “Use Deprecated Functionality”.
  • The previous method will soon be removed. We therefore recommend switching to the new method quickly.

New Method§

The API takes into account the capability “Allowed to view” for inspector tabs. As a consequence, users can only access those custom data fields in the API that appear on tabs that they can view in Yesplan.

Do you want the API to take the capability “Allowed to view” into account?

  • Then select “No” in the drop-down menu for this functionality in “System Settings” > “Deprecated Functionality”, in the column “Use Deprecated Functionality”.
  • If there are problems with integrations, you can set the button back to “Yes” if necessary.

Changed Functionality§

Functionality Change Announced in Changed in
The permissions for shifts and breaks in the Teamplanner will be set by the “Book” permissions on the human resource from now on. Yesplan 28 Yesplan 29
Labels are alphabetically sorted everywhere, while the order previously depended on the location where they appeared. Yesplan 28 Yesplan 29
The contact keywords “anycomment”, “anycontactinfo” and “anylabel” in the query language have been removed. Yesplan 28 Yesplan 29
The “Draft” mode has been removed from the event calendar. Yesplan 28 Yesplan 29
The custom data field “tp_comment” has been deleted and replaced by the system field “Comment”. The latter is now the comment field of a resource booking in the Teamplanner. Yesplan 26 Yesplan 28