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You want to create dataviews, but you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, you will find some examples below.


  • You can turn the filter conditions below into parameters, making it easier for other users to filter the data.
  • Head over to the online learning session about Dataview Examples (NL/EN) if you want to see the examples in action.

For every dataview example, you can find:

  • What you can use it for.
  • Detailed information:

    • Its scope
    • Its columns (representing fields)
    • Its filter


Some dataviews use custom data fields and are based on specific workflows. Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you need help understanding and implementing workflows.


List of Events Only§

This dataview is a list of all events in certain locations, during the chosen period, and of certain profiles and statuses.

  • Scope: Events
  • Columns:

    • Date
    • Location
    • Name
    • Topmost Event Group
    • Displayed Start Time
    • Displayed End Time
    • Profile
    • Event Status
    • Labels
  • Filter:

    • “Date” on or later than …
    • AND “Date” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Location” is one of ‘Theater’, ‘Blackbox’
    • AND “Status” is one of ‘Confirmed’, ‘To Be Invoiced’
    • AND “Profile” is one of ‘Performance’, ‘Commercial Hire’

Cancelled Events§

Which events have been cancelled and why? Use this dataview to check this for a certain period.

  • Scope: Events
  • Columns:

    • Name
    • Date
    • Displayed Start Time
    • Location
    • Prices > Planned Net Total Price
    • Reason Cancellation: custom data field (“Input field”)
    • Event Status
    • Profile
  • Filter:

    • Parameter: “Date” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Date” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Status” is ‘Cancelled’


For this dataview to work well, you need the following:

  • An event status ‘Cancelled’
  • A custom data field for the reason of the cancellation

Events without Technical Rider§

The Technical Director and Production Manager have to make sure that every confirmed performance has a technical rider. This dataview lists all events in a certain period that lack the rider. It also lists the Production Manager responsible for the event and the contact details of the external person who can deliver the rider.


The way this dataview is set up, you can open the event inspector from the dataview and add the missing rider. The event in question will disappear from the dataview when you close the inspector. In other words: the dataview is in fact a to-do list.

  • Scope: Events
  • Columns:

    • Name
    • Topmost Event Group
    • Date
    • Location
    • Technical Rider: custom data field (“Attachment field”)
    • Production Manager: custom data field (“Contact field”)
    • Technical Contact: custom data field (“Contact field”)
    • Technical Contact > Contact > Telephone Numbers
    • Technical Contact > Contact > Email Addresses
    • Event Status
    • Profile
  • Filter:

    • Parameter: “Date” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Date” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Status” is ‘Confirmed’
    • AND “Profile” is ‘Performance’
    • AND “Technical Rider” is empty


For this dataview to work, you need the following:

  • Technical riders as custom data
  • The internal Production Manager as custom data
  • The external Technical Contact as custom data

Commercial Hire – Quotes and Financial Estimates§

The Sales team may need an overview of all the events in a period that involve commercial hire. This dataview lists these events, together with signed quotes, deposits and planned prices.

  • Scope: Events
  • Columns:

    • Name
    • Date
    • Signed Quote: custom data field (“Attachment field”)
    • Deposit: custom data field (“Attachment field”)
    • Prices > Planned Cost
    • Prices > Planned Gross Total Price
    • Prices > Planned Margin
    • Event Status
    • Profile
  • Filter:

    • Parameter: “Date” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Date” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Status” is ‘Confirmed’
    • AND “Profile” is ‘Commercial hire’


For this dataview to work, you need the following:

  • Signed quotes as custom data
  • A signed deposit form as custom data

Event Logs§

This dataviews gives an overview of all events and their logs. Some venues ask their staff to enter incidents in a log during events to keep a record of any issues for technical staff, the bar, the ticket office and so on.

  • Scope: Events
  • Columns:

    • Name
    • Date
    • Displayed Start Time
    • Location
    • Technical Log: custom data field (“Text Field”)
    • Ticket Office Log: custom data field (“Text Field”)
    • Catering Log: custom data field (“Text Field”)
  • Filter:

    • Parameter: “Date” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Date” on or earlier than …
    • AND
      • “Technical Log” has a value
      • OR “Ticket Office Log” has a value
      • OR “Catering Log” has a value


For this dataview to work, you need custom data fields for the different logs. You may also want to filter on a specific status that only shows events that are finished.

Ticket Publication§

In some countries (e.g. the Netherlands), tickets for the next season are often made public on a certain date. This is a huge amount of work and this dataview tries to make the task somewhat easier. It lists all confirmed events that are ready to send to the ticketing integration, but haven’t been sent yet. You can then open the event, send it to the integration, and the event will disappear from the dataview once you close the inspector.


The workflow becomes even easier if you make the event inspector open on the correct tab (e.g. ‘Ticketing’). This can be achieved using the setting in “User Settings” > “User Preferences” > “Always open event inspector on tab”.

  • Scope: Events
  • Columns:

    • Name
    • Date
    • Displayed Start Time
    • Location
    • Published: this custom data field (“Publication trigger”) can often be found in:

      • Integrations > Ticketing > Publish
      • Integrations > Publish > Publish
      • Integrations > Send to ticket sales > Publish
    • Ready for publication: custom data field (“Yes/No field”)

    • Event Status
  • Filter:

    • Parameter: “Date” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Date” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Ready for publication” is ‘Yes’
    • AND “Published” contains ‘OFF’
    • AND “Status” is ‘Confirmed’


If you want to see an overview of all events that have been sent to the ticketing integration, you can set the value for the “Published” filter to ‘ACTIVE’.

Events and Event Groups§

List of Event Groups§

This dataview is a list of all events in certain locations, during the chosen period, and of certain profiles and statuses. This variant shows all top groups and ungrouped events.

  • Scope: Events and Event Groups
  • Columns:

    • Type
    • Date
    • Locations
    • Name
    • Displayed Start Time
    • Displayed End Time
    • Profile
    • Event Status
    • Labels
    • Topmost Event Group
  • Filter:

    • “Date” on or later than …
    • AND “Date” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Topmost Event Group” is empty
    • AND “Status” is one of ‘Confirmed’, ‘To Be Invoiced’
    • AND “Profile” is one of ‘Commercial Hire’, ‘Performance’
    • AND “Locations” contains any of ‘Theater’, ‘Foyer’

Summer Season Financial Results§

The Sales team and the Accountant may need an overview of the financial results for a certain period (a quarter, the summer season etc.). This dataview lists all the events, with their planned/real cost, planned/real net total and planned/real margin per resource group.

  • Scope: Events and Event Groups
  • Columns:

    • Type
    • Name
    • Date
    • Prices > Planned Cost
    • Prices > Cost
    • Prices > Planned Net Total Price
    • Prices > Net Total Price
    • Prices > Planned Margin
    • Prices > Margin
    • Prices per Resource Group > Locations
    • Prices per Resource Group > Catering
    • Topmost Event Group
  • Filter:

    • Parameter: “Date” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Date” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Topmost Event Group” is empty


On some Yesplan installations, events are different performances of the same play, e.g. ten performances of ‘King Lear’. These events are organized in a single event group. The dataview only shows the total financial results for the topmost event group (so for all ten performances), and for any events that aren’t part of a group.

For that reason, the filter states that only topmost event groups should appear: those groups and events that don’t have any group above them.


Resources in a Resource Group§

This dataview is a list of prices and discounts for all resources in a chosen resource group.

  • Scope: Resources
  • Columns:

    • Type
    • Resource Group
    • Name
    • Description
    • Number of Resources
    • Default Price Definition > Selling Price > Base Price
    • Default Price Definition > Cost > Base Price
    • Default Price Definition > Purchase Price
    • Default Price Definition > Duration Discount
    • Default Price Definition > Quantity Discount
    • Rented
    • Default Price Definition > To Be Billed?
  • Filter:

    • “Resource Group” is …


You can turn the “Resource Group” condition into a parameter, for which you can select a value from a drop-down menu.

Resource Bookings§

Overview of Booked Resources§

This dataview is an overview of all resources that are booked during a certain period, with their times. There are variations of this dataview where only human resources or placeholders appear. You can set this via the filter.

  • Scope: Resource Bookings
  • Columns:

    • Planned Start
    • Planned End
    • Event
    • Number
    • Resource
    • Role
    • Resource Group
    • Resource > Is a Placeholder?
    • Resource > External
    • Resource > Type
  • Filter:

    • “Planned Start” on or later than …
    • AND “Planned End” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Role” is …
    • AND “Resource Group” is …
    • AND “Resource > Type” is …
    • AND “Resource > Is a Placeholder?” is …

Overview of Booked Resources with Event§

This dataview is an overview of the resource bookings in a certain role or group, for a chosen period. This information is expanded with basic information from the event for which they are booked.

  • Scope: Resource Bookings
  • Columns:

    • Planned Start
    • Planned End
    • Event
    • Event > Location
    • Event > Status
    • Event > Profile
    • Event > Labels
    • Number
    • Resource Group
    • Role
    • Resource
    • Resource > Is a Placeholder?
    • Resource > External
    • Resource > Type
  • Filter:

    • “Planned Start” on or later than …
    • AND “Planned End” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Role” is …
    • AND “Resource Group” is …
    • AND “Resource > Type” is …
    • AND “Resource > Is a Placeholder?” is …

Resource Booking by Group§

It may be helpful to have a list of all booked resources in a certain period. And it may be even more interesting to filter them and only see the resources in a specific resource group.

  • Scope: Resource Bookings
  • Columns:

    • Resource
    • Resource Group
    • Event
    • Planned Start
    • Planned End
  • Filter:

    • Parameter: “Planned Start” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Planned End” on or earlier than …
    • Parameter: AND “Resource Group” contains …

Violet’s Riders§

Violet Trudeau is a technician. This dataview lists all the events she’s booked on in a certain period, with her role (e.g. Sound Engineer or Light Engineer). For each event, the dataview also shows the lighting plan and the technical rider. That way, Violet has a neat overview of her events in a certain period, combined with the technical specifications.

  • Scope: Resource Bookings
  • Columns:

    • Resource
    • Event
    • Event > Date
    • Role
    • Technical Rider: custom data field (“Attachment field”)
    • Lighting Plan: custom data field (“Attachment field”)
  • Filter:

    • “Resource” is ‘Violet Trudeau’
    • Parameter: AND “Event > Date” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Event” > Date” on or earlier than …


For this dataview to work, you have to upload lighting plans and technical riders to Yesplan as custom data.

Open Placeholders§

When organizing a performance, the Technical Director has to swap all placeholders for technical equipment with real resources. Events with open placeholders are indicated with a question mark in the calendar, but it’s easy to miss one.

This dataview lists all open placeholders for a certain period and the event they’re booked on. It also includes the technical rider and lighting plan for quick reference. Once a placeholder has been swapped, it’s removed from the dataview automatically.


The workflow becomes even easier if you make the event inspector open on the correct tab (e.g. “Resources”). This can be achieved using the setting in “User Settings” > “User Preferences” > “Always open event inspector on tab”.

  • Scope: Resource Bookings
  • Columns:

    • Resource
    • Event
    • Planned Start
    • Planned End
    • Resource > Is a Placeholder?
    • Technical Rider: custom data field (“Attachment field”)
    • Lighting Plan: custom data field (“Attachment field”)
    • Event > Profile
  • Filter:

    • Parameter: “Planned Start” on or later than …
    • Parameter: AND “Planned End” on or earlier than …
    • AND “Event > Profile” is ‘Performance’
    • AND “Resource > Is a Placeholder?” is ‘Yes’


For this dataview to work, you have to upload lighting plans and technical riders to Yesplan as custom data.


Contact per Label§

Every contact can have one or more labels in Yesplan.

  • Scope: Contacts
  • Columns:

    • Name
    • Street (Default Address)
    • Zip Code (Default Address)
    • City (Default Address)
    • Country (Default Address)
    • Email Addresses
    • Telephone Numbers
    • Mobile Numbers
    • Labels
    • Type
  • Filter:

    • “Type” is …
    • AND “Labels” contains any of …

Contacts by Organization per Label§

In Yesplan you can assign labels to organizations and to the contacts in an organization. With this dataview you collect all organizations with a certain label, together with their contacts with a certain label. They appear alongside each other in a table so that you quickly have a summary of all contacts in an organization.

  • Scope: Contacts

  • Columns:

    • Organization
    • Organization > Email Addresses
    • Organization > Telephone Numbers
    • Organization > Website Addresses
    • Organization > Zip Code (Default Address)
    • Organization > City (Default Address)
    • Organization > Country (Default Address)
    • Organization > Language Code
    • Organization > Labels
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Name
    • Language Code
    • Email Addresses
    • Telephone Numbers
    • Mobile Numbers
    • Labels
    • Type
  • Filter:

    • “Type” is “Link”
    • AND “Organization > Labels” contains any of …
    • AND “Labels” contains any of …

You want your contact details in good order. This simple dataview lists all links that don’t have an email address.

  • Scope: Contacts
  • Columns:

    • Type
    • Name
    • Email Addresses
  • Filter:

    • “Email Addresses” is empty
    • AND “Type” is “Link”


Future Conflicts§

We often advise our customers to avoid future conflicts in Yesplan, since they may lead to double bookings, unavailable rooms etc. This dataview lists all future conflict with their type and description. You can click the events, resources and resource bookings in the dataview to open their inspector and solve the conflicts.

  • Scope: Conflicts in Future
  • Columns:

    • Date
    • Type
    • Is Muted?
    • Description
    • Event
    • Resource
    • Resource Booking