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Teams are a collection of human resources. See below to find out how to configure them in the system settings.


If the “Teamplanner” module has been activated for your installation, you’ll see “Teamplanner” in the system settings navigation instead of “Teams”.


Human resources can be divided into teams. Teams typically correspond to the different departments that exist in an organization. Teams are completely separate from user groups and Yesplan’s permissions system.

Teams are used in the Teamplanner to quickly call up a group of human resources. They’re also used when assigning tasks.

You can manage teams in “System Settings” > “Teamplanner” > “Teams”.

Yesplan allows you to define a hierarchy of teams. At the top of the hierarchy, you see the global team, which is called “Yesplan” by default. You can’t delete this team, but you can rename it. All other teams that are created are a direct or indirect subteam of this global team.

Team Members§

If a team has members, there will be a triangle next to the name of the team. The team members will be displayed when you click this triangle. A human resource that is linked to a user will be marked with a black user icon. Clicking the name of a human resource will open their inspector.

Adding Teams§

You can add teams in two ways:

  1. Click the button “Add a Team” (at the bottom of the list). The new team will be added as a subteam of the global team (“Yesplan”).
  2. Hover the cursor over a team, and a few options will appear next to the name of the team. Click “Add Team” to add a new subteam to the team in question.

Editing a Team Name§

You can edit the name of an existing team by double-clicking it. Please note that you can also rename the global team, for instance to the name of the organization.

Deleting Teams§

You can delete teams via the actions that appear when you hover the cursor over the team:

  • Delete: This option will delete the team. Any subteams will not be deleted, but they will become part of the team that was above the deleted team.
  • Delete Team and Subteams: This is only available if there are subteams. This option will remove the selected team together with all of its subteams.

If the team that is deleted still contains human resources, then you’ll be alerted and asked to confirm the deletion of the team. Deleting the team doesn’t result in a deletion of the human resources. These human resources will simply no longer be part of that team after it’s deleted (they also won’t move to the overlying team).

Rearranging Teams§

It’s possible to change the hierarchy of teams by dragging a team. You can drag a team onto a different team, or you can drop it between two other teams. If you drag a team that contains subteams, then both the team and the subteams will be moved. If you only want to move the selected team without the subteams, then you must hold the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (macOS) while dragging.

Team Membership§

In the human resource inspector, you can decide which teams that human resource belongs to (on the “Info” tab).

For human resources that are linked to Yesplan users, you can also manage this in “System Settings” > “Teamplanner” > “Team Membership”. You’ll see an alphabetically sorted summary of all human resources that are linked to a user. You can add or delete teams for these human resources in the right column.

Roster Publication§

Roster planners decide whether and when rosters are published, making the latter appear in the Yesplan App and the iCalendar feed.

You can activate roster publication in “System Settings” > “Teamplanner” > “Roster Publication”. You can then choose to activate roster publication per team and assign roster planners:

  • Select the checkbox in the “Use Roster Publication” column if you want to activate roster publication for that team.
  • Then click “Add” to select a human resource from the drop-down menu. A team can have more than one roster planner. If you assign a user to a team, they will be the roster planner for all the members of that team and its subteams (provided you activated roster publication for those teams).
  • Does a team not have a roster planner, but have you activated roster publication for that team? In that case, Yesplan will automatically publish the rosters for the next seven days on Sunday evening.
  • Only the users that are allowed to see the Teamplanner are shown in the dropdown menu for roster planners. You can set the visibility of the Teamplanner in the permission templates. See Visibility of Tabs and Teamplanner for more information.


Learn more about rosters:


You can manage contracts in “System Settings” > “Teamplanner” > “Contracts”.

Managing contracts is described in detail in the Teamplanner Manual.


Human resources can be indicated as unavailable, with the reason for the unavailability (e.g. holiday, sick leave etc.).

You can manage unavailabilities in “System Settings” > “Teamplanner” > “Unavailability”.

This screen displays a list of unavailabilities that are created in Yesplan. You can add new unavailabilities by entering a name in the field at the bottom of the list and clicking “Add”. Edit the name by double-clicking it. You can also delete an unavailability (by clicking “Delete”); after which you can no longer use it. However, existing unavailabilities don’t change by doing this.

You can add one or more types to an unavailability. These types are important for calculating unavailabilities correctly in the different counters and for checking contract rules.

You can choose from three types:

  • Holiday: The human resource is unavailable due to holidays. This time is taken into account in the holiday counter.

  • Time Off in Lieu: The human resource is unavailable because he/she takes time off to compensate for actual hours of overtime. This time is taken into account in the overtime counter.

  • Sick Leave: The human resource is unavailable due to illness. However, the time is taking into account when calculating the actual time and when checking contract rules.

Working Hours§

You can manage irregular hours and day parts in “System Settings” > “Teamplanner” > “Working Hours”.

This screen has two parts:

  • Irregular hours: You manage the definition of irregular hours here. For every day of the week, the administrator can indicate which hours are considered irregular.

    Irregular hours appear as blue bars. You can edit the name and hours of a day part by clicking this blue bar. You can delete the irregular hours for that day via the popover that opens. You can also delete the irregular hours for a certain day by clicking the circle with the first letter of the day (to the left of the timelines). If you delete the irregular hours for a certain day, you’ll be given the option to add new irregular hours for that day (“Add”, to the right of the timelines).

    Moreover, hours that are worked on special days (e.g. public holidays) can be counted as irregular working hours. Special days are indicated in Yesplan via date decorations. To add all dates with a certain date decoration to the irregular hours definition, click “Add” next to “Date Decorations” and choose the desired date decoration from the list.

  • Default Day Parts for Human Resources: Day parts are a quick way to schedule shifts or bookings in predefined slots. You’ll find more details about these day parts in the Teamplanner Manual.

    These values can be changed for every human resource individually. The values that you enter here will, by default, be copied when creating a new human resource. You can also reset a human resource’s day parts to the default values.