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Yesplan 24, Jun 2018


With the brand-new dataviews you make your own customized overviews!

A dataview is a report in which you call up specific data about events, resources or contacts and organize them in a table. For example, you can make a list of all events in a certain period with their name, date, location, start time etc. However, dataviews are also flexible:

  • You choose which fields are shown (system fields and custom data fields).
  • You determine the order of the fields as columns in the table.
  • You set the filters that are applied to events, resources or contacts.
  • You choose the parameters that can be used to search in your dataview.
  • Finally, you determine who can view, edit, remove your dataview etc.

You can also export dataviews as Excel files.

You can read all about it in the dataviews manual.

Changing Date or Location of Events§

From now on you can quickly change the date or location of events without having to drag the event in the calendar. You simply adjust the date and/or location in the popover or the event inspector, which is very handy when moving an event far into the future.

In the calendar you can also use the “Move” action from the context menu to quickly adjust the date or location in the popover.

Please note that the “Cut” action was removed from the context menu. You can achieve the same effect by copying and pasting an event first and then deleting the original. But take into account that a copy of an event won’t contain certain data, such as integration data that is uniquely linked to one event (e.g. ticket integrations) or the data that was entered on the event group (if you didn’t paste the copy in that same group).

Protection of Date Decorations§

From now on, only administrators can edit date decorations in the calendar. If you don’t want this protection, you can change it under system preferences so that all users can edit date decorations.

Externally Accessible Files§

By default, attachments and other files in Yesplan can only be accessed by people who have a Yesplan username and password. However, you can also make files accessible externally from now on. In that case, everyone who has a link to the file can open the file without having to sign in to Yesplan first.

A central overview of all externally accessible files was added for administrators, with the possibility to turn off that external accessibility per file if desired.

Diverse Improvements§


  • When deleting report templates or generated documents, you will have to confirm this from now on.
  • Unavailabilities in the calendar will also appear from now on if you use a filter, irrespective of the filter settings.
  • After deleting a ‘unique’ resource, all (future) bookings of that resource will appear as a conflict from now on. Conflicts already appeared if insufficient regular resources were available, but this has now been corrected for unique resources. When booking, a warning will now appear stating that the resource was deleted.


  • Under system preferences, you can set whether you want to use a comma or semicolon as punctuation when exporting to CSV files.
  • It’s no longer possible to convert custom data fields of type “Input field” into the type “Text field” or vice versa because they aren’t completely compatible and data could potentially be lost during the conversion.

API and Integrations§

  • From now on, an administrator can view detailed error notifications in the history of an integration when clicking a button that calls up external data, for example when refreshing ticket statuses in the event inspector.
  • In the generic ticketing integration API, you can send from an integration a set of mappings for the drop-down menu of that integration in Yesplan.
  • You can now call up the IDs of external contacts in Yesplan (from AFAS Profit or CIPAL Themis) via the Yesplan API and via dataviews. The field is called “Origin System ID”.