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The Activity Stream Data Exchange (hereafter Exchange) is used both by own products of Activity Stream Group and approved partners to fetch ticket information from multiple ticket systems in a consistent and standardized format.

With this integration you can perform the following actions:

  • Link events in Yesplan to events in Exchange.
  • Display data from Exchange (e.g. number of tickets purchased) on the event in Yesplan.


To set the integration, you must take the following steps:

  • Create mandatory custom data fields.
  • Create custom data fields for data from Exchange.
  • Set the integration.

Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields§

In order to be able to link events with events in Exchange, you must set up the following custom data fields in Yesplan:

  • A publication trigger to transfer the event.
  • A field for integration data of the data type “Single-Line Text”, for the “Exchange ID” in Exchange.


  • You can adjust the visibility of custom data fields and determine where these must appear. For more information, see Visibility of Custom Data.
  • We recommend placing all the custom data fields for Exchange together on one tab in the event inspector, e.g. with the name ‘Ticketing’.

Go to “System Settings” > “Events” > “Custom Data” and create a new group for Exchange, or you can choose to add fields to an existing group. Next, add the following custom data fields to the group, and assign them to a tab:

Type of Custom Data Field Label Keyword
Publication Trigger Link with Exchange exchange_publication_trigger
Integration Data – Single-Line Text Exchange ID exchange_id


  • You can choose your own value for the label and keyword, however, later in this manual we refer to the values in the above table.

Creating Custom Data Fields for Data from Exchange§

It is possible to display data from Exchange in Yesplan, in custom data fields of the type “Remote Data”. If you decide to do this, go to “System Settings” > “Events” > “Custom Data” as administrator. Then, create a new group for Exchange, or you can also choose to add the field to an existing group. Finally, create custom data fields of the appropriate type:

Field in Exchange Type of Custom Data Field in Yesplan
Capacity Remote data – Number
Earliest transaction Remote data – Date and Time
Latest transaction Remote data – Date and Time
Tickets sold Remote data – Number
Tickets sold amount Remote data – Number
Mean ticket sold price Remote data – Number
Tickets refunded Remote data – Number
Tickets refunded amount Remote data – Number
Mean ticket refunded price Remote data – Number
Tickets net Remote data – Number
Tickets net amount Remote data – Number


  • You can adjust the visibility of custom data fields and determine where these must appear. For more information, see Visibility of Custom Data.
  • We recommend placing all the custom data fields for Exchange together on one tab in the event inspector, e.g. with the name ‘Ticketing’.

Setting the Integration§

To set the integration, you must take the following steps:

  • Create integration
  • Link mandatory fields
  • Set remote data

Creating the Integration§

The integration is created as follows:

  1. As administrator, go to “System Settings” > “Integrations”.
  2. Click the ‘+’-icon and name the integration, e.g. ‘Exchange’.
  3. Select “Exchange” in the menu beside “Integration Type”.

Then fields will be displayed that you must complete in order to link with Exchange:

  • You receive the values for “URL” and “API key” from Exchange.
  • Complete these values and click “Verify Authentication” to test the integration.

Linking Mandatory Fields§

To link events from Yesplan with events in Exchange, you must link a publication trigger to the integration:

  • As administrator, go to the “Exchange” page in “System Settings” > “Integrations”. You can set the publication trigger in the table under “Actions”.
  • Next to the action “Publish”, select the keyword of the publication trigger that you created under Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields. In our example this was ‘exchange_publication_trigger’.

Once the publication trigger has been created, you can set the mandatory fields.

  • Under “Integration Data – Data Flow from Ticketing System to Yesplan”:
    • In the drop-down menu next to “Exchange ID”, choose the keyword of the custom data field that you created for this purpose. In our example this was ‘exchange_ID’.


Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields explains how to create these mandatory fields.

Setting Remote Data§

In Yesplan, you can also display the values in fields in Exchange:

  1. As administrator, go to the “Exchange” page in “System Settings” > “Integrations”. You can set custom data fields in the table under “Remote Data – Data Flow from Ticketing System to Yesplan”.
  2. In the drop-down menu next to the field in question, select the keyword of the custom data field that you wish to use. Creating Custom Data Fields for Data from Exchange explains how you can create these fields.


Once everything is set up correctly, you can use the integration to fetch event data from Exchange.

Linking a Single Event§

If you link a single event with an event in Exchange, we recommend completing at least the following fields:

  • Event Name
  • Schedule

To link the event you must click the publication trigger (“Link Event…”):

  • Yesplan fetches the available events from Exchange. The available events are all events on the date of the event in Yesplan. Select the appropriate event in the drop-down menu.
  • Click “Link” to link the event.

Revoking Events§

Once you have linked an event, the text on the publication button changes into “Unlink Event”. If you then click the publication trigger, you break the link between Yesplan and Exchange.

Copying Events§

In Yesplan, you can copy events that are already linked with Exchange. However, these new events are not automatically linked with Exchange:

  • Click the publication trigger to link the event with an event in Exchange.

Deleting Events§

We don’t recommend deleting linked events in Yesplan. It’s better to give them a certain status in Yesplan, for example, ‘Cancelled’. Depending on your work method, you can also break the link between Yesplan and Exchange for the event in question. See Revoking Events for more information.

Viewing Data from Exchange§

If you created custom data fields, Yesplan can also show data from Exchange (e.g. number of tickets sold). See Setting Remote Data.

  • The data is fetched automatically if more than one hour has passed since the relevant tab containing the custom data fields was opened by a user.
  • You can also fetch the data manually using the “Refresh” button to the right of the field.

Frequently Asked Questions§

Overview of (Un)published Events§

In Yesplan, you can create an overview of events with their publication status in Exchange in two ways: via dataviews and via the query language.

Via Dataviews§

The process is described in the dataview examples: see Publishing Tickets for more information.

For Exchange, you must then do the following:

  • Add the publication trigger for Exchange as a column.
  • Filter on “{Publication trigger} contains off” for all events that are not linked to Exchange.
  • Filter on “{Publication trigger} contains active” for all events that are linked to Exchange.


Also use the date filter in your dataview. If you request many events, it may take some time for all the data to appear.

Via the Query Language§

You can use the following queries to get an overview in the general finder or event finder:

  • event:{keyword-of-the-publication-trigger}: active: Display all the events that are linked to Exchange.
  • event:{keyword-of-the-publication-trigger}:"": Return all the events that aren’t linked to Exchange.
  • event:{keyword-of-the-publication-trigger}:error: Search all the events where something goes wrong with the link to Exchange.