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You can manipulate event structures by dragging events or event groups, or by using the buttons at the bottom of the window, or by selecting actions from the context menu (the menu that opens when right-clicking). You can select multiple events or event groups simultaneously in order to perform actions in one go.

Locked Events§

Events can be locked, and this is indicated with a padlock. Event groups that contain one or more locked events are also locked. If you open the lock on the event group, all the locks on the underlying events also open.

You can’t just edit the date, location and name of locked events and you can’t just delete these events. Users who have been given permission to unlock events can edit the name, location or date of these events by opening the padlock. These users can also delete events if they were given permission to do so.

However, other actions are possible with locked events in the tree view.

Dragging Events and Event Groups§

By dragging events and event groups you can move them to other event groups. This can be event groups that are part of their own tree or part of another tree. You can also create a new tree from an event or event group. You do this by dragging them to the window that appears on the right when you start dragging.


If you drag a production to a production event group, the production that you dragged will be lost. Only one event or event group can be a production within one branch of the tree. In such cases the top group wins.

Selecting Events and Event Groups§

You select events or event groups by clicking them. The selection is colored blue.


When you select an event group, the underlying events and event groups light up too. These underlying elements are automatically part of the selected group. If you execute certain actions on the group, then you will also execute these actions on events in that group. When you delete an event group, for example, then you will also delete all underlying events and event groups. When you drag an event group, all underlying events and event groups will also move along with the group.

You add an item to the selection by clicking it while holding down the Ctrl key (on Windows) or Cmd key (on macOS). You can remove an item from the selection in the same way, by clicking the item while you hold down the Ctrl key (on Windows) or Cmd key (on macOS).

If you select multiple items (using the Ctrl or Cmd key) then the actions are executed on all the selected items.

For example:

  1. You have an event group on your canvas that contains three events.
  2. Select the event group.
  3. Add one of its events to the selection (using the Ctrl or Cmd key).
  4. Drag the selection to the window that appears on the right to make a new tree.

As a result, you will create a new tree for each of the selected items. You will end up with two new trees: one with the event group that contains two events, and one with the third event (without a group). While dragging, a notification appears stating that you’re dragging 2 items.

Creating New Events§

You create a new event via the “New Event…” action, via the context menu, or via the button in the lower-left corner of the tree view window. An input form appears on which you’re required to fill out every field. Click “Add Event” to create the event.

You add the new event to the event group for which you open the context menu. If you perform this action via the button in the lower-left corner, you will add the event to the selected event group. If nothing is selected, you will create an isolated event.

Creating New Event Groups§

You create a new event group via the “New Group” action, via the context menu, or via the button in the lower-left corner of the tree view window. A group appears immediately, and you can alter its name.

You add the new event group to the event group for which you open the context menu. If you perform this action via the button in the lower-left corner, you’ll add the event group to the selected event group. If nothing is selected, you will create an isolated event group.

Editing an Event or Event Group§

You can rename events and event groups by double-clicking the name.

Via the context menu you can choose “Edit Event…” or “Edit Group…” (depending on whether you open the context menu on an event or an event group). This opens a popover in which you can edit the status, profile, date, location and name of an event or event group. You can’t change locked events.

You can use the popover to move event groups to a distant date by changing the date under “Date of First Event”. Edit the date in “Date of First Event” to do so. The dates of the other events will move automatically with the first event.


For instance, your group contains three events:

  • Duet on 3 April 2020
  • Trio on 10 April 2020
  • Quartet on 11 April 2020

If you move the group to 4 September, the events will have the following dates:

  • Duet on 4 September 2020
  • Trio on 11 September 2020
  • Quartet on 12 September 2020

In short, Yesplan will maintain the period between the events: the Trio and the Quartet are scheduled seven and eight days after the Duet respectively.

Deleting an Event or Event Group§

You can choose “Delete” via the context menu. This will remove all selected events and event groups permanently.


When you delete an event group, you will delete all underlying events and event groups.


You can’t delete locked events.

Deleting Only the Event Group§

You can choose “Delete Group Only” via the context menu. This will delete all the selected groups, without deleting the underlying events and event groups. These underlying elements are automatically placed in the parent event group if it exists. If no parent event group exists, the remaining elements become new trees.

Setting a Production§

You can choose “Set Production” via the context menu. This will mark all selected events and event groups as productions.


Only one event or event group can be a production within one branch of the tree. In such cases the top group wins.


You can choose “Group” via the context menu. This will unite all selected events and event groups in a new event group. If all selected events are part of the same event group then this new group appears under the existing event group. If the selected events are part of different event groups, then the new group appears in the topmost shared event group. If no common event group exists, then a new tree is created for the new group and the selected events.

Summarizing Trees§

You can choose “Summarize” via the context menu. This makes a tree more compact again. Selected events, and the event on which you perform the action, remain visible.

Hiding Trees§

You can choose “Hide” via the context menu. This will cause the tree of the selected events to no longer appear in the tree view. If you want to display the tree again in the tree view, you can use the search field at the bottom of the window to search for the event (or event group) and to add it to the canvas.

Undoing Actions§

You can undo an action via the “Undo” action in the context menu, or via the button in the lower-left corner of the tree view window.


You can no longer undo an action after closing the tree view.