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Universe is software for ticket sales. You will find more information here:

With this integration you can perform the following actions:

  • Send the event information from Yesplan to Universe allowing you to organize the ticket sales there.
  • Display data from Universe (e.g. number of tickets purchased) on the event in Yesplan.


To set the integration, you must take the following steps:

  • Set OAuth in Universe.
  • Create mandatory custom data fields.
  • Create optional custom data fields.
  • Create custom data fields for data from Universe.
  • Set the integration.

Create Universe account§

To configure the integration in Yesplan, you need an account with Universe. Create an account in Universe if you don’t already have one.

Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields§

In order to be able to send events to Universe, you must set up the following custom data fields in Yesplan:

  • A publication trigger to transfer the event
  • A text field for the event description
  • A menu for the categories in Universe
  • A field for remote data of data type “Single-Line Text”, for the event ID in Universe


  • You can further adjust the visibility of custom data fields and determine where these must appear. For more information, see Visibility of Custom Data.
  • We recommend placing all the custom data fields for Universe together on one tab in the event inspector, e.g. with the name ‘Ticketing’.

Do the following steps:

  1. As administrator in Yesplan, go to “System Settings” > “Events” > “Custom Data”.
  2. Create a new group for Universe, or you can also choose to add the field to an existing group.
  3. Create the button:
    • Click “Add a Field”.
    • Select the type “Publication trigger”.
    • Choose your own label, e.g. ‘Send to Universe’.
    • Click “Add”.
    • Double-click the keyword of the field and give it an obvious name that clearly reflects what it does, e.g. ‘universe_publication_trigger’.
  4. Create the text field:
    • Click “Add a Field”.
    • Select the type “Text field”.
    • Choose your own label, e.g. ‘Description’.
    • Click “Add”.
    • Double-click the keyword of the field and give it an obvious name that clearly reflects what it does, e.g. ‘universe_description’.
  5. Create the menu:
    • Click “Add a Field”.
    • Select the type “Dropdown”.
    • Choose your own label, e.g. ‘Category’.
    • Don’t enter values for this field.
    • Click “Add”.
    • Double-click the keyword of the field and give it an obvious name that clearly reflects what it does, e.g. ‘universe_category’.
  6. Create the ID field:
    • Click “Add a Field”.
    • Select the type “Integration data”.
    • Select the data type “Single-Line Text”.
    • Choose your own label, e.g. ‘ID in Universe’.
    • Click “Add”.
    • Double-click the keyword of the field and give it an obvious name that clearly reflects what it does, e.g. ‘universe_ID’.


The menu for the categories will be automatically completed with data from Universe. See Connecting Mandatory Fields for more information.

Creating Optional Custom Data Fields§

When you send an event to Universe, then Yesplan transfers the following values by default:

Field in Universe Default Value Sent by Yesplan
title The name of the event.
startAt The time the event starts.
endAt The time the event ends.
venue name The name of the event’s location.
venue address The value of “Address of Default Venue” under “General Settings”.
venue latitude The value of “Latitude of Default Venue” under “General Settings”.
venue longitude The value of “Longitude of Default Venue” under “General Settings”.

You can create a custom data field for each of these fields:

  • When the custom data field contains a value, then Yesplan transfers this value to Universe.
  • When the custom data value is empty, then Yesplan transfers the default value to Universe.


Yesplan follows a specific logic when determining the start time and end time. See Sending Schedule Items for more information.

The following table shows for each field in Universe which type of custom data field you can use in Yesplan:

Field in Universe Type of Custom Data Field
title Input field on the event.
startAt Time field on the event.
endAt Time field on the event.
venue name Input field on the location (resource).
venue address Text field on the location (resource).
venue latitude Input field on the location (resource).
venue longitude Input field on the location (resource).


We recommend using the displayed start time and displayed end time on the schedule to determine the schedule items in Universe. See Sending Schedule Items for more information.

If you decide to create a custom data field for “title”, “startAt” or “endAt”, this is how to do it:

  1. As administrator in Yesplan, go to “System Settings” > “Events” > “Custom Data”.
  2. Create a new group for Universe, or you can also choose to add the field to an existing group.
  3. Create the field:

    • Choose the correct type from the above table.
    • Choose your own label, e.g. ‘Name’ or ‘Start time’.
    • Click “Add”.
    • Double-click the keyword of the field and give it an obvious name that clearly reflects what it does, e.g. ‘universe_name’ or ‘universe_start_time’.


  • You can further adjust the visibility of custom data fields and determine where these must appear. For more information, see Visibility of Custom Data.
  • We recommend placing all the custom data fields for Universe together on one tab in the event inspector, e.g. with the name ‘Ticketing’.

If you decide to create a custom data field for “venue name”, “venue address”, “venue latitude” or “venue longitude”, this is how you do it:

  1. As administrator in Yesplan, go to “System Settings” > “Resources” > “Custom Data”.
  2. Create a new group for Universe, or you can also choose to add the field to an existing group.
  3. Create the field:

    • Choose the correct type from the above table.
    • Choose your own label, e.g. ‘Longitude’ or ‘Latitude’.
    • Click “Add”.
    • Double-click the keyword of the field and give it an obvious name that clearly reflects what it does, e.g. ‘universe_longitude’ or ‘universe_latitude’.
    • In the column “Where or When to Show”, select “Location” as the value for resource type, and also select a tab to make this field appear.

Creating Custom Data Fields for Data from Universe§

It is possible to display data from Universe in Yesplan, in custom data fields of the type “Remote data”. This concerns the following event data:

Field in Universe Type of Custom Data Field in Yesplan
Event ID Text (single line)
Event status Text (single line)
Tickets sold Number
Number of attendees from paid orders Number
Number of attendees from unpaid orders Number
Number of attendees from pending orders Number
Number of attendees from cancelled orders Number

If you decide to display this data in Yesplan, this is how to do it:

  1. As administrator in Yesplan, go to “System Settings” > “Events” > “Custom Data”.
  2. Create a new group for Universe, or you can also choose to add the field to an existing group.
  3. Create the field:

    • Choose the type “Remote data”.
    • Select the correct data type. To do so, check the column “Type of Custom Data Field in Yesplan”.
    • Choose your own label, e.g. ‘Number paid’ or ‘Number unpaid’.
    • Click “Add”.
    • Double-click the keyword of the field and give it an obvious name that clearly reflects what it does, e.g. ‘universe_paid_orders’ or ‘universe_unpaid_orders’.


  • You can further adjust the visibility of custom data fields and determine where these must appear. For more information, see Visibility of Custom Data.
  • We recommend placing all the custom data fields for Universe together on one tab in the event inspector, e.g. with the name ‘Ticketing’.

Setting the Integration§

To set the integration, you must take the following steps:

  • Create integration
  • Set actions
  • Set data flow upon publishing the event
  • Set data flow for the venue data
  • Set remote data

Creating the Integration§

The integration is created as follows:

  1. As administrator, go to “System Settings” > “Integrations”.
  2. Click the ‘+’-icon and name the integration, e.g. ‘Universe’.
  3. Select “Universe” in the menu beside “Integration Type”.

Then fields will be displayed that you must complete in order to link with Universe:

  • Connection to Ticketing System: Click “Authorize” to give permission for Yesplan to retrieve data from Universe. You will be redirected to a Universe website. Follow the instructions.
  • Address of Default Venue: The address of the default location that is sent to Universe.
  • Latitude of Default Venue: The latitude of the default location. Use decimal degrees when entering the value.
  • Longitude of Default Venue: The longitude of the default location. Use decimal degrees when entering the value.
  • Send Updates Automatically: This setting determines how changes are sent to Universe:
    • When you select this checkbox, then after first publishing, Yesplan sends every change to linked fields automatically to Universe.
    • When you don’t select this checkbox, then after first publishing, you must specifically click the publication trigger (on the circular arrow for “Refresh”) to send changes to Universe.


  • “Address of Default Venue”, “Latitude of Default Venue” and “Longitude of Default Venue” are mandatory fields in Universe. This means that you must enter a value in these fields.
  • If you organize events at more than one address, then you can create custom data fields in your locations in Yesplan for the address and the coordinates. See Creating Optional Custom Data Fields and Linking Optional Fields for more information.

Linking Mandatory Fields§

To send events to Universe from Yesplan, you must link a publication trigger to the integration:

  • As administrator, go to the “Universe” page in “System Settings” > “Integrations”. You can set the publication trigger in the table under “Actions”.
  • In the drop-down menu next to the action “Publish”, select the keyword of the publication trigger that you have made under Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields. In our example this was ‘universe_publication_trigger’.

Once the publication trigger has been created, you can set the mandatory fields. You can set the description and categories under “Publishing Events – Data Flow from Yesplan to Ticketing System”:

  • In the menu beside “Description”, select the keyword of the field that you created for this purpose under Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields. In our example this was ‘universe_description’.
  • In the menu beside “Category”, select the keyword of the field that you created for this purpose under Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields. In our example this was ‘universe_category’. You will only be able to select custom data fields in the list which are a menu with no value.
  • Click the button “Fetch Categories” beside “Categories from Universe”, in the table under “General Settings” at the top of the page. The menu for the category will now be completed with the correct values from Universe.

Finally, you must set the event ID in Universe under “Integration Data – Data Flow from Ticketing System to Yesplan”. In the menu beside the action “Event ID”, select the keyword of the field that you created for this purpose under Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields. In our example this was ‘universe_ID’.


You must link the “Description”, “Category” and “Event ID” from Universe to custom data fields in Yesplan in order to use the integration:

  • The description and the category are mandatory fields in order to create an event in Universe.
  • Once you have published an event from Yesplan in Universe, Yesplan saves the Universe ID of that event. That ID is required in order to send changes to Universe.

Linking Optional Fields§

Besides these mandatory fields, you also have the option to send the values of custom data fields to Universe instead of the default values:

  1. As administrator, go to the “Universe” page in “System Settings” > “Integrations”. You can set custom data fields in the table under “Publishing Events – Data Flow from Yesplan to Ticketing System”.
  2. In the menu, beside the field in question, select the keyword of the custom data field that you wish to use. Creating optional custom data fields explains how to create these fields.
  3. When you select a custom data field in the menu, then Yesplan immediately saves your selection. If you still always wish to use the default value, select “Default” in the menu.


  • If an optional custom data field contains a value, then Yesplan sends this value when publishing an event.
  • If the custom data field is empty, then Yesplan sends the default value.

Linking the Venue Details§

You can choose to complete the name, address, longitude and latitude in the custom data fields at the location in Yesplan. In that case you must link these custom data fields to the correct fields in Universe:

  1. As administrator, go to the “Universe” page in “System Settings” > “Integrations”. You can set custom data fields in the table under “Venue Details – Data Flow from Yesplan to Ticketing System”.
  2. In the menu, beside the field in question, select the keyword of the custom data field that you wish to use. Creating Optional Custom Data Fields explains how to create these fields.
  3. When you select a custom data field in the menu, then Yesplan immediately saves your selection. If you still always wish to use the default value, select “Default” in the menu.


  • If an optional custom data field contains a value, then Yesplan sends this value when publishing an event.
  • If the custom data field is empty, then Yesplan sends the default value.

Setting Remote Data§

In Yesplan, you can also display the values in fields in Universe:

  1. As administrator, go to the “Universe” page in “System Settings” > “Integrations”. You can set custom data fields in the table under “Remote Data – Data Flow from Ticketing System to Yesplan”.
  2. In the menu, beside the field in question, select the keyword of the custom data field that you wish to use. Creating Custom Data Fields for Data from Universe explains how you can create these fields.


Once everything is set up correctly, you can use the integration to send event data to Universe.

Publishing a Single Event§

When publishing a single event to Universe, you need to enter the custom data fields for the category and the description. We also recommend that you complete at least the following fields:

  • Event name
  • Schedule

The following steps depend on the way in which you have set up the integration:

  • If you want to send the values in custom data fields rather than the default values, then you will still need to complete them.
  • To publish the event you must click the publication trigger. See Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields for more information about the label and location of the publication button.

Publishing Multiple Events at Once§

You can also publish multiple events at once by grouping them together in an event group. Then, they arrive in Universe as separate events:

  1. First create the different events. We recommend that you fill out the information below:
    • The custom data fields for the category and the description. These are mandatory fields in Universe.
    • Event name
    • Schedules
  2. If you want to send the values in custom data fields rather than default values, you will still need to complete them.
  3. Then group the events or add them to an existing group. See Grouping Events for more information.
  4. Publish the event by clicking the publication trigger:

    • Do this at the event group level with the “Publish All Events” button to send all events to Universe together.
    • Do this at the events level with the “Publish Event” button to send them separately.

    See Creating Mandatory Custom Data Fields for more information about the label and location of the publication trigger.

Changing Events§

If you need to amend linked fields, you must do this in Yesplan, because Yesplan leads the integration for this data. The behavior depends on the way in which you have set up the integration:

  • Has “Send Updates Automatically” been selected? Then the values will be sent to Universe as soon as a connected field is modified.
  • Has “Send Updates Automatically” not been selected? Then you must explicitly click the publication trigger in order to send the changes. To do so, click the “Refresh” button (with the circular arrow) on the right of the button.


Do not modify fields in linked events in Universe. If you do so, these values will be overwritten after the next change in Yesplan.

Revoking Events§

Once you have published an event, the text on the publication button changes into “Revoke Event”. If you then click the publication trigger, you break the link between Yesplan and Universe. In some situations that can be handy:

  • The event that you sent to Universe is cancelled:

    1. Change the status to “Cancelled” if you are using this in Yesplan.
    2. Click “Revoke Event” in Yesplan if you want to stop this event from sending further automatic data to Universe.
    3. Remove the event from Universe if you like, or process it there in any case.
  • You have sent an event and are no longer satisfied with the data in Universe. You are keen to start with a clean sheet based on the data in Yesplan:

    1. Click “Revoke Event” in Yesplan.
    2. Remove the event from Universe.
    3. Click “Publish Event” in Yesplan again. In Universe, a new event will be created with data from Yesplan.


Revoking an event and republishing it will always cause a new event to be created in Universe. So be careful with such activities, because they can cause duplication in Universe, making it unclear which is linked with Yesplan.

Copying Events§

In Yesplan, you can copy events that are already linked with Universe. However, these new events are not automatically linked with Universe:

  • After copying, click the publication trigger to send them to Universe.
  • Then follow the instructions in Universe.

Deleting Events§

We do not recommend deleting linked events in Yesplan. It is better to give them a certain status in Yesplan, for example, ‘Cancelled’. Depending on your work method, you can also break the link between Yesplan and Universe for the event in question. See Recalling Events for more information.


Did you delete a linked event in Yesplan after all? In that case you must also manually delete the corresponding event in Universe.

Viewing Data from Universe§

If you created custom data fields, Yesplan can also show data from Universe (e.g. number of tickets sold). See Setting Remote Data.

  • The data is fetched automatically if more than one hour has passed since the relevant tab containing the custom data fields was opened by a user.
  • You can also fetch the data manually using the “Refresh” button to the right of the field.
  • Every night, the data from all active events is automatically fetched from Universe. For this, Yesplan retrieves the data of all active events in the future, and of all active events in the past, going back one year.

Frequently Asked Questions§

Sending Schedule Items§

Yesplan uses the following logic when determining the times that are sent to Universe:

  • If you have linked custom data fields for the start time and end time, then Yesplan will send the values in these fields.
  • If these custom data fields are empty, then this is what happens:
    • If the event has a schedule with a displayed start time and end time (the red dots), then Yesplan sends the displayed start time and end time to Universe. We recommend you work this way.
    • If the event contains a schedule with a single schedule item, containing only the displayed start time (red dot), Yesplan sends the displayed start time and the time of the next shifted day line.
    • If the event has a schedule with multiple schedule items and only the displayed start time (red dot), Yesplan sends the displayed start time and the last time in the schedule. If the displayed start time is itself the last time, it will also be selected as the end time and you won’t be able to send the times, as the start time and end time must be different.
    • If the event does not include a schedule, Yesplan sends the times of the shifted day line.

If Yesplan sends the day line, the times depend on the setting of the shifted day line in Yesplan. With a day line at 07:00, the start time will be 07:00 in the morning and the end time 07:00 in the morning of the next day.


We recommend using the display start time and displayed end time on the schedule to determine the times in Universe.

Overview of (Un)published Events§

In Yesplan, you can create an overview of events with their publication status in Universe in two ways: via dataviews and via the search language.

Via Dataviews§

The process is described in the dataview examples: see Publishing Tickets for more information.

For Universe, you must then do the following:

  • Add the publication trigger for Universe as a column.
  • Filter on “{Publication trigger} contains off” for all events that are not linked to Universe.
  • Filter on “{Publication trigger} contains active” for all events that are linked to Universe.


Also use the date filter in your dataview. If you request many events, it may take some time for all the data to appear.

Via the Query Language§

You can use the following searches to get an overview in the general search or event search:

  • event:{keyword-of-the-publication-trigger}: active: Display all the events that are linked to Universe.
  • event:{keyword-of-the-publication-trigger}:"": Return all the events that aren’t linked to Universe.
  • event:{keyword-of-the-publication-trigger}:error: Search all the events where something goes wrong with the link to Universe.