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User Groups

User groups are used for distributing permissions to a group of users. The division into groups usually occurs based on a similar role or function that the users have within the organization.

You can manage user groups in “System Settings” > “Users” > “User Groups”.

Yesplan allows you to define a hierarchy of user groups. At the top of the hierarchy you see the global user group, which is called “Yesplan” by default. You can’t remove this user group, but you can rename it. All other groups are a direct or indirect subgroup of this global user group.

For example, you want to grant certain permissions to all technicians, but you also want to grant specific permissions to light technicians and to sound technicians. You can create a ‘Technicians’ user group and, below it, subgroups for ‘Light Technicians’ and ‘Sound Technicians’. Please note that a user who is a member of a user group is also automatically a member of every user group above this group in the hierarchy. In other words, every ‘Light technician’ will also be regarded as a ‘Technician’ when it comes to permissions. They will also be part of the global “Yesplan” group.

User Group Members§

If a user group has members, there will be a triangle next to the name of the user group. If you click this triangle, the members of that group will appear. Clicking the name of a user will open a summary of the permissions for that user.

Adding User Groups§

You can add user groups in two ways:

  1. Click the button “Add a Group” (at the bottom of the list). The new group will be a subgroup of the global group (“Yesplan”).
  2. Hover the cursor over a group, and a few options will appear next to the name of the group. Click “Add Group” to add a new subgroup to the group in question.

Editing a User Group Name§

You can edit the name of an existing user group by double-clicking it. You can also rename the global user group, for instance to the name of your organization.

Deleting User Groups§

You can delete user groups via the actions that appear when you hover the cursor over the group:

  • Delete Group: This option will delete the user group. Any subgroups won’t disappear, but they will become part of the user group that was above the deleted group.
  • Delete Group and Subgroups: This is only available if there are subgroups. This option will delete the selected group, together with all of its subgroups.

If the user group that you delete still contains users, you’ll be alerted and asked to confirm the deletion of the group.


Deleting the group doesn’t result in a deletion of the users: these users will simply no longer be part of that user group after it’s deleted, and they won’t move to the overlying group either.

Rearranging User Groups§

It’s possible to change the hierarchy of user groups by dragging a group. You can drop a group onto a different user group, or you can drop it between two other user groups. If you drag a user group that contains subgroups, then you will move both the group and the subgroups. If you only want to move the selected group without the subgroups, then you must hold the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (macOS) while dragging.