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System Preferences

The tab “System Preferences” contains two parts:

  • The actual system preferences, with options to set Yesplan to your preference.
  • Deprecated functionality that will be removed in the future but that you can still turn on temporarily.


Click the “Save” button (below the list) to save your changes.

System Preferences§

In “System Settings” > “System Preferences” you’ll find a series of options to set the way you work in Yesplan to your preference:

  • Language: The language in which Yesplan is displayed.

  • Date Format: The way in which dates are displayed and entered in Yesplan:

    • Day Month Year: This is the format used in most European countries. For example: ‘27-02-2023’, ‘27 Feb 2023’ or ‘Mo 27 Feb 2023’.
    • Month Day Year: This is the format used in the United States and several other countries. For example: ‘02/27/2023’, ‘Feb 27, 2023’ or ‘Mo Feb 27, 2023’.
    • Year Month Day: This format is used in Sweden and impacts only the numerical date format. For example: ‘2023-02-27’, ‘27 Feb 2023’ or ‘Mo 27 Feb 2023’.


    The dd-mm-yyyy format is the default format in the query language and in queries via the API (i.e. ‘27-02-2023’).

  • Time Format: The way in which the time is displayed and entered in Yesplan:

    • 24-hour time: For example ‘08:30’ or ‘22:15’. Midnight is ‘00:00’ and noon is ‘12:00’.
    • 12-hour time: For example ‘8:30 AM’ or ‘10:15 PM’. Midnight is ‘12:00 AM’ and noon is ‘12:00 PM’.
  • Currency Sign: The currency sign that is displayed in Yesplan.

  • Notification Email Address: The email address to which emails are sent (with the most recent information regarding the selected event) if you click the “Mail an Update” button in the event inspector. If nothing is entered here, the button won’t be active and clicking it will have no effect.

  • Day Line: In Yesplan, it’s possible to have a day start at the time of your choice instead of at midnight. This value is set to seven o’clock in the morning by default (“07:00”).

    Please note: you can edit this setting when configuring Yesplan. However, since editing the day line has a big impact (for example on the calculation of costs and on conflicts), you can’t change this setting once your organization starts working with Yesplan. To prevent accidental changes, this value can’t be changed by an administrator. Contact the Yesplan Customer Success Manager or support for assistance.

  • Roster publication limit: This setting determines the latest date that you can select in the field “Until” when you publish a roster. By default, this date is set three months ahead, counting from today. If today is 3 May, then 2 August is the latest date that you can choose for publishing rosters.

    Contact your Customer Success Manager or Support to amend this value. After all, a higher limit can affect the speed of your Yesplan installation and must therefore be checked first.

  • Repeat Limit: Specifies the maximum number of repeats of an event, service, unavailability etc. when setting repeats. This value is set to 100 by default. This value must be between 1 and 365.

  • Earliest possible year in date pickers is: The earliest possible year that appears in date pickers, in the drop-down menu for the year:

    • This date is set to “2005” by default.
    • The setting doesn’t apply if you open the date picker for an input field that already contains a date with a year that is earlier than the setting. For instance, if the setting contains ‘2020’, and you open the date picker for a field that already contains the date ‘23-08-2013’, then ‘2013’ will be the earliest possible year in the drop-down menu.
  • Events are a production by default: If you set this setting to “Yes”, then all newly created events are automatically also a production. This parameter is set to “No” by default. See the definition of production and Setting a Production for more information.

  • Always open event inspector with focus on: Whether the event in question has focus when opening the inspector, or its production within the event group (if there is one).

  • Sort Order of Events with Status Type ‘Option’: Events with a status of type “Option” are numbered and sorted in the calendar, to help you remember later on which option was added to the calendar first. If this is set to “By event creation time”, then it will be sorted by the moment when the event appeared in the calendar for the first time. If this preference is set to “By location booking time”, then it will be sorted by the moment when the event was booked in the location.

    For example:

    • Option A was booked in the Great Hall the day before yesterday.
    • Option B was booked in the Small Hall yesterday.
    • Option A was moved from the Great Hall to the Small Hall today.

    For the sorting order “By event creation time”, option A will be before option B in the Small Hall: option A was created before option B. For the sorting order “By location booking time”, option A will be after option B in the Small Hall: option A was booked in the hall later than option B.


    Options are therefore not sorted based on the start time of the show. Moreover, they appear in a separate section under the events on that day that don’t have a status of type “Option”.

  • Default Rate Unit for New Price Definition: The default unit that will be chosen when creating a new price definition and when booking an ad hoc resource. This value has the options “Fixed”, “Hour”, “Day”, “Week” and “Month”.

  • Default VAT Rate for Resources: The default VAT rate that is set when creating price definitions for resources. Of course, users can also change the VAT rate on the resource, when defining the prices. The default setting is 21 % (“21.0”) and can be any value between 0 % and 100 %.

  • Filter Setting for Search: Determines whether and how the filter will appear in the search (where you can search through all Yesplan elements):

    • Disable: The filter buttons won’t be active. The user will always see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default show everything: The filter buttons will be active in the search and the initial value of the filter is set to “All User Groups”. Initially, the user will be able to see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default only show items owned by a member of the user’s primary group: The filter buttons will be active in the search and the initial value of the filter is set to “My User Group Only”. Initially, the user will only be able to see those elements for which the owner is a member of their primary user group.

    If the filter is active, this setting determines the initial value of the filter, the first time that the user sees this filter. However, a user can always set the filter to suit their needs. The setting is remembered per user. The last setting that was used will remain valid the next time the user signs in.

  • Filter Setting for Events: Determines whether and how the filter will appear in the events finder:

    • Disable: The filter buttons won’t be active. The user will always see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default show everything: The filter buttons will be active in the events finder and the initial value of the filter is set to “All User Groups”. Initially, the user will be able to see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default only show items owned by a member of the user’s primary group: The filter buttons will be active in the events finder and the initial value of the filter is set to “My User Group Only”. Initially, the user will only be able to see those elements for which the owner is a member of their primary user group.

    If the filter is active, this setting determines the initial value of the filter, the first time that the user sees this filter. However, a user can always set the filter to suit their needs. The setting is remembered per user. The last setting that was used will remain valid the next time the user signs in.

  • Filter Setting for Resources: Determines whether and how the filter will appear in the resources finder and in the search field for adding resources (to events or as custom data):

    • Disable: The filter buttons won’t be active. The user will always see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default show everything: The filter buttons will be active in the resources finder and in the search field for adding resources, and the initial value of the filter is set to “All User Groups”. Initially, the user will be able to see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default only show items owned by a member of the user’s primary group: The filter buttons will be active in the resources finder and the search field to add resources, and the initial value of the filter is set to “My User Group Only”. Initially, the user will only be able to see those elements for which the owner is a member of their primary user group.

    If the filter is active, this setting determines the initial value of the filter, the first time that the user sees this filter. A user can always set the filter to suit their needs. The setting is remembered per user. The last setting that was used will remain valid the next time the user signs in.

  • Filter Setting for Contacts: Determines whether and how the filter will appear in the contacts finder and in the search field for adding contacts (to events, resources or as custom data):

    • Disable: The filter buttons won’t be active. The user will always see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default show everything: The filter buttons will be active in the contacts finder and in the search field for adding contacts, and the initial value of the filter is set to “All User Groups”. Initially, the user will be able to see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default only show items owned by a member of the user’s primary group: The filter buttons will be active in the contacts finder and the search field for adding contacts, and the initial value of the filter is set to “My User Group Only”. Initially, the user will only be able to see those elements for which the owner is a member of their primary user group.

    If the filter is active, this setting determines the initial value of the filter, the first time that the user sees this filter. However, a user can always set the filter to suit their needs. The setting is remembered per user. The last setting that was used will remain valid the next time the user signs in.

  • Filter Setting for Tasks: Determines whether and how the filter will appear in the tasks finder:

    • Disable: The filter buttons won’t be active. The user will always see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default show everything: The filter buttons will be active in the tasks finder and the initial value of the filter is set to “All User Groups”. Initially, the user will be able to see all results that they have permission to see.
    • Enable, and by default only show items owned by a member of the user’s primary group: The filter buttons will be active in the tasks finder and the initial value of the filter is set to “My User Group Only”. Initially, the user will only be able to see those elements for which the owner is a member of their primary user group.

    If the filter is active, this setting determines the initial value of the filter, the first time that the user sees this filter. However, a user can always set the filter to suit their needs. The setting is remembered per user. The last setting that was used will remain valid the next time the user signs in.

  • Allow Credentials to be Remembered for Users: Determines whether users can use “Remember me” when signing in with a password.

  • Show Abbreviation of Location in Tree View: Determines whether the abbreviation of the location can be displayed in the tree view or not.

    If the “Abbreviation” field is entered in the location inspector, then this abbreviation will appear in tree views—in front of the event name—unless you deactivate this preference.

  • Users Allowed to Modify Date Decorations in the Calendar: Determines which users can edit date decorations in the calendar: only administrators or all users.

  • Separator for File Exports in CSV Format: Determines which separator is used when exporting CSV files: a comma or semicolon.

  • Permission to edit a resource booking is set using the: See Definition of Permissions for more information about this setting.


Click the “Save” button (below the list) to save your changes.

Deprecated Functionality§

To improve the operation of Yesplan, it’s sometimes necessary to remove or change parts. If this potentially disrupts customer processes, we first place such functionality under “Use Deprecated Functionality”:

  • You can temporarily continue working in the old way by selecting “Yes” from the drop-down menu under “Use Deprecated Functionality”.
  • Please note that this functionality will eventually disappear or change. It’s therefore advisable that you adapt your processes in Yesplan and choose “No” from the drop-down menu.


Want to find out more about what changes exactly? Then consult our list of Deprecated and Removed Functionality.