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In this section, you learn more about managing dataviews: saving, describing, sharing and duplicating.

Saving Dataviews§

Dataviews behave unusually within Yesplan because they aren’t saved automatically: once you’ve created a dataview, you must always explicitly save the changes by clicking “Save Changes”. The advantage is that you can experiment in a dataview without Yesplan saving the changes automatically in the background.

You can save a copy of the dataview by clicking “Save as…” and choosing a name. You can also duplicate dataviews on the overview page (see Creating a New Dataview).

Describing Dataviews§

It isn’t always easy to summarize the aim of a dataview in a name. That’s why you can also add a description.

On the overview page:

  1. Click the button with three dots next to the name of the dataview.
  2. Choose “Edit Description” in the context menu.
  3. Edit the description and click “OK”.

In the dataview:

  1. Click the information icon next to the name of the dataview to open the popover.
  2. Enter a description.
  3. Close the popover.

A query in the summary page of dataviews searches the title, owner and description. So using a description helps to easily find the right dataview.

Locking Dataviews§

Dataviews can play an important role in your organization and you can use them in integrations and reports. Locking a dataview prevents accidental changes, but Yesplan also automatically locks dataviews when they’re used in the parameter of a report.

Once locked, you need to unlock the dataview to be able to save the following edits:

  • Renaming the dataview
  • Editing the description
  • Editing the settings for sharing the dataview
  • Editing filters and/or columns
  • Deleting the dataview


  • Locking the dataview isn’t a fail-safe protection against changes: it’s only a protection against accidental changes.
  • See Sharing Dataviews if you want to restrict access to the dataview.

The actions below are available:

  • Locking a dataview: Click the name of the dataview in the top left corner and then click “Lock Dataview”. Then save the dataview to save the lock.
  • Unlocking a dataview:
    • Click the name of the dataview in the top left corner and then click “Unlock”.
    • In the list of dataviews, click the lock icon on the right. This way, you make the actions available in the menu next to the padlock.
  • Removing the lock: Click the name of the dataview in the top left corner and then click “Remove Lock”. Then save the dataview to save this change.


  • You must explicitly save the dataview after creating a new lock or removing a lock.
  • You must have the “Can Edit” permission to lock a dataview, unlock it or remove its lock.
  • If the dataview is used in the parameter of a report, Yesplan will automatically lock this dataview. In this case, you must remove the dataview from the parameter in question to delete the lock. See Advanced Parameters for more information.

Sharing Dataviews§

Initially, dataviews only appear for yourself and administrators. To make them appear for other users or user groups, you must share them.

On the overview page:

  1. Click the button with three dots next to the name of the dataview.
  2. Choose “Share…” in the context menu.

In the dataview:

  1. Click the text “Not shared” or “Shared with X users” next to the name of the owner.
  2. In the inspector, you can share the dataview with another user or user group:
    • Click “Add User Group or User”.
    • Enter the name of the user or group in the search field.
    • Click the desired user or group in the suggestions.
    • Choose what the user can do with the dataview.

The following options are available when sharing a dataview:

  • Can View:

    • View the dataview.
    • Enter parameters.
    • If the user edits something else, the dataview must be duplicated (for example via “Save as…”).
  • Can Edit:

    • All actions under “Can View”.
    • Edit the dataview and save without duplicating: filters, columns, parameters, name and description.
  • Can Edit and Delete:

    • All actions under “Can Edit”.
    • Delete the dataview.
  • Make Owner:

    • All actions under “Can Edit and Delete”.
    • Share the dataview.