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Yesplan offers an elaborate model to set up permissions. Given the complexity, it’s best to configure permissions together with a Yesplan Customer Success Manager. However, easy configurations are within everyone’s reach. What follows is a guideline for creating Yesplan users easily and setting up their permissions.

Step 1 – Creating User Groups§

The aim is that you divide all Yesplan users into user groups. Later, you will assign each user that you create to one user group.

User groups are used for setting up permissions simultaneously for all users with the same job or role in the organization.

The first step is to identify all the different roles in your organization and to create a user group for each one. For more information about how user groups can be created, you can visit the System Settings Manual.

Step 2 – Creating the Common Permission Template§

The common permission template that we create here contains the capabilities and granted permissions that are applicable to every Yesplan user. Later we will assign this common permission template to all users.

In the screen for managing permission templates, create a new template called ‘Common’ and then click “Show permissions” to set everything up.

In the ‘Common’ template, we don’t set capabilities. In step 3, we will create separate templates for capabilities per user group in the organization.

In the ‘Common’ template, we only set granted permissions for every user group.

We add all user groups to the ‘Common’ template and then indicate, per user group, what they can and can’t do.

Step 3 – Creating Templates for Capabilities§

For each user group in the organization, we create a permission template for their capabilities. In this template for capabilities, we only enter the part with the capabilities (at the top). In step 4, we will indicate per user which template for capabilities is applicable.

You can set the following using the capabilities:

  • The elements that a user can create.
  • Whether a user can hide a conflict.
  • Whether a user can unlock events with a status of type “Locked”.
  • The visibility of inspector tabs for that user.
  • The statuses that a user can award to events.

Step 4 – Creating Users§

In this last step, you create all users from the organization via the tab in the system settings for managing users. We are going to enter the following items for setting the permissions:

  • User Groups: Add the corresponding user group for the user here.
  • Primary User Group: Choose the name of the organization.
  • Permission templates: Add two templates to every user here: ‘Common’ and the template for capabilities that corresponds to the user’s role within the organization.
  • Administrator: Select only if the user is responsible for managing Yesplan.
  • User Group Administrator: Don’t enter anything.