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Yesplan offers integrations with other software systems. These integrations can also be managed in system settings.

Managing API Keys§

Yesplan’s web API (Application Programming Interface) makes it possible for third parties to request information from Yesplan without restrictions. For instance, website builders can use the API to collect events from Yesplan and to show them on the website of an organization.

To give a third party access to the API, you must create a key that awards access to Yesplan. You can manage these keys in “System Settings” > “Integrations” > “API Keys”.

This screen displays a list of the API keys that are in use. Create a new key by choosing a user in the last row of the table and clicking “Add”. You can delete keys by clicking “Delete Key”. After that, they can’t be used any longer.

You see the following fields in the keys list:

  • User: The Yesplan user that receives access to Yesplan via the API. This can be an existing user. However, we advise that you create a user specifically for this purpose. That way, you can manage the permissions for this user carefully.
  • Key: The API key generated by Yesplan. Pass it on to the third party to give them access to Yesplan via the API.
  • Client: Only needs to be set for integrations with Ticketmatic. In all other cases, you leave the value at “None”.
  • Webhook Integration: Choose a webhook integration from the drop-down menu to make custom data fields for integration data writable for the webhook in question. See Integration Data and Webhooks for more information.


API keys are actually passwords and are therefore strictly personal. After all, every person with such a key has access to Yesplan via the API. See Security for more information.

Yesplan offers the option of linking with several ticketing systems. You can manage these links in “System Settings” > “Integrations”.

You add an integration by clicking the blue ‘+’ icon (next to “API Keys”). Enter a name and click “Add”. Then choose the supplier of the ticketing system. The configuration options of the ticketing system will appear. To delete this integration, choose the empty option from the “Integration Type” drop-down menu, and a button will appear that allows you to delete this integration.

For a detailed explanation of the configuration, read the different manuals for the integrations.