Inspector Tabs

Inspectors for events, resources, resource bookings, contacts and contact bookings contain tabs, which you can use to structure custom data fields or to determine the visibility of these fields.

Yesplan contains two types of tabs:

  1. Yesplan’s own system tabs. They always appear at the top left of the inspector in a set order.
  2. Additional tabs added by an administrator:
    • These tabs are specific to your installation.
    • They appear to the right of the system tabs.
    • Administrators can determine the order of these tabs in the system settings.


You can make tabs visible or invisible to users (or user groups) via permission templates. See Managing Capabilities for more information.

You can manage the tabs in the system settings, in the “Inspector Tabs” section of “Events”, “Resources” and “Contacts”. The tabs appear in tables:

  • Add a tab by entering the name of the tab in the field at the bottom of the table and then click “Add”.
  • Double-click the name of a tab to rename it.
  • Do you want to change the order of the tabs? Then click the two horizontal lines to the left of the row of a tab and drag it to the desired position.
  • Delete a tab by clicking “Delete” in the “Edit” column.


  • A new tab is invisible for users by default. To make it visible, you have to grant users explicit access. See Managing Capabilities for more information.
  • It isn’t possible to create two tabs with the same name within one table.
  • You can only delete a tab if it isn’t in use, for example as a parameter that determines the visibility of a custom data field.